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10 Reasons Why Travelling Makes Us Happy

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There’s no doubt in our minds that travelling is good for our morale. Going on vacation keeps a smile on our face, before, during and long after departure. What’s more, the benefits – and memories – we gain from travelling are numerous. Here are 10 reasons why travel makes us so happy.

Sourires d'enfants
Photo credit: Rod Julius Go

1- According to science, travel is the secret to happiness

At least, that’s the assumption we’d like to make after discovering the results of a study done by Cornell University in 2017. According to researchers, spending money on experiences, rather than on physical objects, makes us happier. The reason? We “adapt” to objects, which means that the happiness we feel following a purchase fades over time once we get used to it. Experiences, on the other hand, continue to bring us joy every time we think about them.

2- Travel increases self-confidence

According to a study by Booking.com, reported by Marie Claire, 65% of travellers surveyed find that their first experiences abroad boosted their confidence. Amandine Legrand, a psychologist and blogger at Un sac sur le dos, believes that travel is good for self-confidence because it offers many opportunities to excel without external pressures and at your own pace.

Voyager seul à Cuba
Photo Credit: vxla

3- Travel allows us to get to know ourselves better

Travelling, especially solo, is an opportunity to discover our own limits and broaden our horizons. Visiting a new place allows us to reconnect with our inner “selves” and what we really want, without the influence of our entourage. This lets us explore the world, all while exploring ourselves. What we’re trying to say is, the inner journey is just as important as the physical journey!

Profiter de la vue
Photo Credit: Marco Verch

4- Globetrotters adapt more easily

Being able to adapt to any situation is an essential requirement for many employers. The experiences we gain on the road can also be useful at work. Travellers are generally perceived as resourceful and brave.

5- Travel gives us a sense of open-mindedness

On the road, we quickly learn that cultural references help shape our image of the world. Putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes to better understand them enlarges our field of vision. Engaging with other mind-sets, values ​​and ideas can be unsettling at first, but it ultimately makes us stronger and more open over time.

Prendre un auto portrait dans une cabine photo
Photo Credit: x1klima

6- Travel helps us take a step back

Sometimes, getting away provides much-needed distance in order to see a problem in a new light. We’re not talking about running away from our problems, but rather, giving ourselves a break in order to solve a problem. Being confronted with other realities is also an opportunity to re-evaluate our priorities and learn to put things into perspective.

7- Going on vacation keeps us young

Travelling keeps us healthy! This was revealed by a study done by the Global Commission on Aging and Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies in collaboration with the U.S. Travel Association. According to the results, reported by the Los Angeles Times, women who vacation every six years or less are, for example, more likely to have a heart attack or develop heart disease, as opposed to those who vacation at least twice a year.

Salutations aux passants dans la rue
Photo Credit: Axel von Wuthenau

8- You’ll master at least one foreign language

Travelling to a new country can be difficult if you don’t speak the language. Good thing learning a foreign language is excellent for our neurons, according to a study published in the Journal of Neurolinguistics by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania. Some people even say that bilingualism delays the onset of Alzheimer’s disease! Not to mention the fact that mastering one or more foreign languages ​​is a valuable asset on a CV.

Montgolfière au couché de soleil
Photo Credit: Douglas Scortegagna

9- Travel leaves us feeling more zen

According to a study done by the Global Commission on Aging and the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies and the U.S. Travel Association, after one or two days, 89% of travellers observe a significant decrease in their stress levels. The challenge remains holding on to this mindset once back home!

Prendre un moment pour observer la vue après une randonnée
Photo Credit: Harsha K R

10- Travel memories are priceless

According to a 2016 survey conducted by Booking.com in 17 countries, 49% of participants stated that travel brings them more happiness than their wedding day did. Maybe it’s because we travel more often than we get married? Or at least, we hope so!

Cover photo credit: Vitaly Sacred on Unsplash

(Sources : http://www.traveller.com.au/science-proves-that-travel-is-the-secret-to-happiness-gix3mw, https://www.fastcompany.com/3043858/the-science-of-why-you-should-spend-your-money-on-experiences-not-thing,   http://www.traveller.com.au/science-proves-that-travel-is-the-secret-to-happiness-gix3mw#ixzz59YO1O4X4, https://www.instinct-voyageur.fr/8-choses-que-le-voyage-vous-apportera/, https://www.jobboom.com/carriere/inclure-voyages-cv/, https://www.lexpress.fr/styles/psycho/voyager-seul-pour-mieux-se-re-decouvrir-les-vertus-de-la-solitude_1695578.html, http://www.latimes.com/travel/deals/la-trb-travel-best-medicine-study-20131217-story.html#axzz2rhrs6Nbu, http://lactualite.com/art-de-vivre/2014/01/29/voyager-cest-bon-pour-la-sante/ https://www.bibamagazine.fr/lifestyle/voyages/et-si-voyager-etait-la-cle-du-bonheur-61877)

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The comments and contributions expressed are assumed only by the author. The recommendations, intentions or opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Transat AT Inc. or its affiliates. See terms of use of the Air Transat website.

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