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6 Nicaraguan Foods You Need to Try

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While there are similarities in cuisine amongst the countries in Central America, each has its own unique twist and traditional dishes. The food in Nicaragua is delicious and such a bargain for budget travellers, if you’re planning a holiday in Nicaragua keep your eye out for these dishes.

Grenada, Nicaragua


Quesillos Nicaraguan Foods to Try

One of the most unique dishes in Nicaragua, in Leon you can find restaurants that only sell quesillos. It’s also common to find late night food carts selling them wrapped up in plastic baggies for hungry locals coming out of the bars.

It’s a simple dish of cheese, cream and pickled onion on a tortilla. It sounds peculiar but can be very addictive. You cannot leave Nicaragua without trying one.

Flor de Cana

Flor de Cana Nicaraguan Foods to Try

Another very traditional Nicaraguan food, this dish is from the pretty city of Granada. However, it is so popular you can find it throughout Nicaragua in people’s homes and sold by street vendors.

The traditional dish uses a plantain leaf as the base but do not eat! Instead eat the delicious pork, yucca, fried pork skin on a tomato and cabbage salad.


Nacatamales Nicaraguan Foods to Try

You may have had tamales in Mexico or Guatemala but Nicaragua has it’s own spin on the traditional tamale. In fact it’s called a nacatamale.

Nacatamales are also corn based like the tamales you know but the filling can be very different. In fact it’s common to find raisins in them, along with olives and a choice of meat.

You likely won’t find a nacatamale in a restaurant but you can find them in local markets. Just remember not to eat the leafy casing, it’s only meant as a vessel to steam the corn filling.

Gallo Pinto

Gallo Pinto Nicaraguan Foods to Try

You can find gallo pinto in both Costa Rica and Nicaragua, although the version in Nicaragua tends to be a bit more simple with only rice and beans.

Gallo means rooster and some say this dish has this funny name because when rice and beans are mixed together they look like a painted rooster.

An inexpensive way to eat a filling and healthy meal, it’s a very common side dish for nearly every meal in Nicaragua.


Hamburgers Nicaraguan Foods to Try

You may be surprised that hamburgers are on this list but Nicaragua makes some of the best hamburgers. Skip McDonalds and head to the servicios rapidos which are fast food carts on wheels.

The original value menu, you can get tasty burgers and steak sandwiches the size of your head.

But Nicaragua isn’t just home to great food, check out these 6 unusual things to do in Nicaragua.

Images © Bacon is Magic

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The comments and contributions expressed are assumed only by the author. The recommendations, intentions or opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Transat AT Inc. or its affiliates. See terms of use of the Air Transat website.

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